Revealing Hidden Dental Issues Through Dental X-Rays: Why They are Important

Revealing Hidden Dental Issues Through Dental X-Rays: Why They are Important

Dentists need to view the internal structures of your teeth and gums correctly, to help them come up with precise diagnosis. When you go for regular dental checkups once in 6 months, it would help the dentist catch the early signs of any dental issues that are manifesting themselves. If they suspect something, then they will want to explore this further with the help of some tool. That tool is the dental x ray. Over the years, dental x ray in Abu Dhabi has undergone many transformative changes, and the advanced tools help the dentist understand and diagnose dental issues should they arise. This helps them aid their patients to take preventive measures, so they can enjoy better oral health and hygiene.


How dental x ray in Abu Dhabi helps in preventive measures

Dental X rays apply a tiny amount of radiation to create images of your teeth, gums and the areas around it. The dentist will be able to clearly see areas that were not visible to them during the oral examination. With X rays, the dentist will also be able to examine the decay between the teeth, the extent of decay, the bone surrounding the teeth, and they will be able to get a clear picture of the entire mouth, and see the position and condition of all teeth, jaw, and the sinus areas. There are X rays providing  advanced imaging techniques so the dentists can have a three-dimensional view of the dental structures. This is so helpful for complex cases. There are many ways in which dental x ray in ABu Dhabi helps the dentist reach a diagnostic conclusion. Check them out:


  1. Early detection of dental issues

Dental x rays can reveal hidden problems within the teeth and gums. Often, you may not even feel the pain or even the slightest indication that there is something wrong. Dentists would be able to see indications of cavities, gum disease, and infections before they become serious enough, so they can treat it at the right time. This is so helpful for small cavities. Similarly, there might be no real indications that you are having bone loss around the teeth. This is the start of periodontal disease, and can be corrected through early intervention, and by avoiding more invasive treatments and maintaining better dental health.


  1. Help the dentist make better diagnostic decisions

X-rays show the correct position of teeth and roots, so the dentists can plan their orthodontic treatments correctly. If your teeth need to be aligned, the X ray would provide a more precise approach to alignment. Similarly, X rays are so useful for  -wisdom teeth extraction, to check for significant decay in your teeth necessitating a root canal, and to analyze the best approach to treatment by looking at the tooth’s internal structure. So you see X-rays can help the dentist reach a better conclusion regarding your oral health and these insights would influence treatment strategies.


  1. Assessment of Jaw and Bone Structure

With the dental x-ray, it is easier for the dentists to assess the health of the jawbone and the surrounding structures for indications of  cysts, tumors, or other abnormalities. The x rays would give them an idea of oral cancers and other significant health issues.


Still worried about the safety considered attached to X rays? In the earlier days, people were afraid of being subjected to X rays because of the concerns about radiation exposure. But with the advancements made in modern dental X-ray technology, you don’t have to worry about that because the  amount of radiation used is minimal. It is much less than what you might be subjected to as natural background radiation during the day.



Al Al Dana Medical center, you have an excellent team of dentists performing the dental X ray in Abu Dhabi, and you can expect them to use the machinery judiciously and wisely, and only when absolutely necessary. With the latest advancements in the tool, finding a diagnosis is much faster at the clinic, and more accurate.



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